BPO Centers Without Equal
In the process of expanding business activities, the issues faced by regional areas and the mission of the Prestige International Group became linked, which gave birth to the vision of bringing abundance to regional areas by establishing roots in local communities and creating/maintaining stable employment.
In 2003, Prestige International established its first large-scale BPO centers, selecting Akita City from among numerous candidate locations. While continuing to expand this center, the company has also opened operating bases in other areas so that currently BPO centers operate in 9 locations spread among 5 prefectures with some 4,000 employees.
The operation of BPO centers has lowered job turnover rates; workers have accumulated experience and made it possible for Prestige International to continuously provide high-quality services.

Through the introduction of systems, Prestige International secured space on desktops where previously telephones and multiple other devices had been installed.
Pursuing convenience and comfort for our employees, the company is continuing to make changes.
Establishment of Operating Bases and Trends in Total Number of Seats

Prestige International provides an abundant workplace environment and welfare system with the aim of being a company that contributes to society by continuing to expand employment in line with business growth, which ensures that employees can continue working for many years and enriching the local community. These efforts also lead to positive evaluations from client enterprises, which in turn leads to further business expansion.
Creating a Comfortable Working Environment
KEYWORDHuman Resources
At the BPO centers, many female and young employees are playing active roles. To ensure that diverse human resources can continue to work while achieving diverse lifestyles, individual BPO centers are continuously striving independently to enhance human resources systems and facilities in addition to measures implemented by the Prestige International Group as a whole.

KEYWORDLocal Community
As part of the activities to contribute to society—which is one of the company’s missions—Prestige International has long worked to enrich the local community. The company is searching for the best ways to grow together with the local community.

Moving forward, Prestige International will continue to establish BPO centers in regional areas with the aim of increasing the Prestige International Group’s added value and growing together with the local community.
In selecting the regions to establish operating bases, Prestige International places importance on not only the location (few natural disasters and easy access from Tokyo) and outstanding human resources but also municipal government thinking wherein the company can work in line with creating jobs and achieving regional revitalization.
Conducting business activities in various regions also makes it possible to transfer and continue business activities as parts of BCP even in an emergency, such as a natural disaster.
BPO centers Facilities
BPO centers provide well-equipped facilities from different perspectives, including employees’ working comfort and the continuity of business activities.