Providing a wide range of automotive-related services and promoting measures adapted to an evolving mobility society
The main clients in this business field are non-life insurance companies, car manufacturers, and car dealerships, and Prestige International is responsible for providing customer support services and roadside assistance services for these clients’ end-users. In particular, the contact center receives calls from ender-users experiencing car trouble and personnel from either a Prestige International Group company or one of the cooperating companies that meet the appropriate quality standards handle the problem on-site. The ability to provide uniformly high quality services in terms of both technical capability and customer service from the notification of a problem to the solution is a strength unique to Prestige International. Even in cases where an emergency response is required, the company is able to swiftly resolve the situation at any time, 24-hours-a-day/365-days-a-year thanks to the fusion of IT solutions and optimized backup systems.
Major Clients (Client Enterprises)
Non-life insurance companies, Domestic and foreign manufacturers, Car dealerships, Insurance agencies, etc.
Service characteristics
Direct operation of assistance services in major cities nationwide
Under the concept of providing care services to people, Prestige International operates its original brand, Premier Assist.
“PREMIER Assist” Brand

Premier Assist Inc. is a member company of the Prestige International Group. Under the Premier Assist brand, the company provides on-scene automotive services at a high standard. Road Assist is a roadside assistance service that is managed and operated as a franchise by Premier Assist Network Inc. The Group continues to expand the scale of operations while maintaining quality.
Premier Assist Inc.
Premier Assist Network Inc.
Paa-S Automated Assistance Arrangement System
By integrating the conventional GPS terminal-based assistance arrangement system and Paa-S application for iOS/Android terminals, Prestige International has automated dispatch requests that meet certain conditions and is increasing the efficiency in responding to the increasing number of dispatch requests.
Registered as a TISAX participant
TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) is an information security assessment standard (VDA-ISA) developed by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). Prestige Core Solution inc. was registered as a TISAX participant for the first time in 2020 to comply with information security standards required by automobile manufacturers. This proves that the PI group has established a management and operational structure at an advanced, global information security level.
press release [PDF: 290KB]
Thorough training
Personnel who respond to customers at the scene of automotive problems are prepared with both technical and hospitality training. In order to give customers a sense of trust and peace of mind when trouble arises, Prestige International provides attentive service from the customer’s perspective, such as providing wet towels (for customers to wipe their hands with) or disposable heat packs in winter.
TOYAMA Training Field

This is a large training facility for training human resources whose job is to respond at the scene of automotive trouble. An excellent environment for learning basic skills has been provided, enabling the recreation of actual automotive trouble situations, while at the same time providing a place to learn about the hospitality philosophy of service that only people can provide. Training is carried out on a daily basis to ensure that personnel are always providing customers with high-quality, uniform services.
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