
System for Promoting Group Compliance

As a system to ensure that Prestige International directors and employees and Prestige International Group companies execute assigned duties in compliance with laws/regulations and the Articles of Incorporation, the Company established compliance regulations based on the Group’s Code of Conduct, prevents infringements of laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation by directors, and seeks advice from outside experts as necessary. Furthermore, the Company’s monitoring system is strengthened through mutual complementation of directors centered on the CEO. In addition, the Company‘s Risk Management and Compliance Committee serves as an advisory body to the CEO and promotes the establishment of internal controls for matters related to risks and overall compliance for the entire Group.

Dissemination of the Code of Conduct and Employee Training

For the Prestige International Group to fulfill its social responsibility by practicing the guidelines of the Group’s management philosophy in all daily business activities, each individual officer and employee of the Prestige International Group companies shall perform their duties in accordance with the Code of Conduct in all areas of the business. The Code of Conduct and the rules and regulations established in accordance with the Code of Conduct are always available for employees to check on the company intranet at any time.
Furthermore, once a year employees are required to submit a written pledge that includes the Group‘s management philosophy, the Code of Conduct, and items of confidentiality in order to ensure that they understand and are familiar with the Group’s basic policies. In addition, the different compliance-related training sessions are conducted via e-learning.

Prestige International Group Code of Conduct

  1. Compliance with laws, regulations, corporate ethics, and fair and honest management
  2. Respect for the culture and customs of other countries and regions where we operate
  3. Prevention of extortion and bribery
  4. Proper handling of donations and political contributions
  5. Creation and provision of services that meet customer needs
  6. Disclosure of information and protection of personal information
  7. Environmental preservation
  8. Respect for human rights
  9. Creation of Safe and Comfortable Workplace
  10. Contributing to the development of a sustainable society

Internal Reporting System; Business Partner Whistleblower System

Prestige International has established an internal reporting system and a supplier whistleblower system for the purpose of early detection, correction, and prevention of misconduct, as well as to promote compliance management within the Group by creating a system for appropriately handling consultations and reports concerning organizational or individual infringements of laws and regulations, infringements of internal regulations, behavior that is problematic in terms of corporate ethics, and compliance issues (hereinafter referred to as “Compliance Infringements”). The Group has also constructed an internal reporting system and a business partner whistleblower system for the purpose of promoting compliance management within the Group.

System Overview

Internal Reporting System Business Partner Whistleblower System
  • Persons working for the Prestige International Group (including seconded employees, associate employees, part-time employees, and temporary employees)
  • Directors and officers
  • All persons who have retired or resigned from the Prestige International Group within one year. However, this does not include retired Prestige International Group directors and officers.
  • Persons employed by a corporation, company, or organization that has a business relationship with the Prestige International Group or were employed within one year after the termination of the business relationship (including those who have been retired for less than one year)
  • Sole proprietors or individuals
How to report
  1. (1) Contact the internal contact person
  2. (2) Contact the law office acting as the outside contact.
As explained in 4 “How to Report” on the Business Partner Whistleblower System page (*Japanese only).
Performance FY2024.3 : 9 cases
FY2023.3 : 10 cases
FY2022.3 : 10 cases
FY2024.3 : 1 cases
FY2023.3 : 0 cases
(System will be introduced on June 1, 2022)
Prohibition of disadvantageous treatment Common to both systems
The Prestige International Group’s internal rules state that the Company, Group companies, and officers and employees of the Group shall not treat whistleblowers or persons cooperating in investigations in a disadvantageous manner nor retaliate in any way. Whistleblowers and persons cooperating in investigations may consult the internal reporting office regarding any disadvantageous treatment or retaliation.