Risk Management Structure
Prestige International established a Risk Management and Compliance Committee for the purpose of further enhancing the risk management and compliance systems, thereby ensuring the soundness of the company’s business activities and promoting the construction of internal controls through the evaluation of the appropriateness and effectiveness of and Group’s system for complying with laws and regulations governing business activities overall, and provision of advice and recommendations for making improvements. The committee oversees matters related to overall risk management, such as developing risk management policies, formulating risk management regulations, verifying operating status, and responding in the event of a crisis.
Furthermore, in the event of a crisis facing the Prestige International Group, the company will establish a response headquarters in accordance with risk management regulations in order to minimize any losses to corporate value by responding swiftly and appropriately.
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* A Risk Management and Compliance Officer is appointed separately for each Group company and works in collaboration with the Risk Management and Compliance Committee.
Business Continuity Initiatives Preparing for Emergency Situations (BCP)
The Prestige International Group created the BCP (business continuity plan) measures by employing the strengths of the Group mutual backup system among regional bases as part of the efforts to provide uninterrupted services.

At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, precautionary measures included the installation of emergency power equipment and blade server equipment implemented at the Akita BPO Main Campus—a major base within Prestige International Group—that worked successfully, and all telephones, network connections, telephone exchangers, servers, and network devices within the scope of Prestige International Group management operated normally with no interruptions immediately following the earthquake.
At each BPO center, emergency power equipment has been installed in preparation for emergencies. In addition, each department formulated a business continuity plan setting out response measures for each level of estimated damage, and these plans are reviewed on a regular basis.
With regard to the COVOD-19 virus, in addition to further raising the existing awareness of the risk of infectious diseases, such as influenza, the Group implemented BCP measures taking especial care to avoid infection, such as separating what would normally be single work areas into multiple areas, thereby minimizing the risk of the spread of infection by infected and close-contact persons.