Policy & Approach
Based on the desire to invigorate local communities and expand spaces where women can actively participate, Prestige International operation of women’s sports team. The Group recruits young people who wish to play sports as Group employees and provides an environment where the young generation can return to their hometowns with peace of mind and spaces where women can play an even more active role.
Introduction of Women’s Sports Teams
Prestige International "Aranmare"
In 2015, Prestige International established a basketball team at the Akita BPO Main Campus and a volleyball team at Yamagata BPO Park; in 2016, we established a handball team at Toyama BPO Town.
About the team’s name

All three teams share the name Aranmare, which was coined by combining the Italian words arancia (meaning “orange”) and mare (meaning “ocean”). Expressing images of oranges growing in the warm sun (from the corporate color) and the ocean (reflecting local characteristics), the name was chosen in the hope that the teams would overflow with bright smiles and invigorate the local community.
Team concept
Teams that are beloved and grow together with everyone in the community
Teams that increase the spaces where women can play an active role by becoming a symbol of support for women
Philosophy behind Activities
with a SMILE!
Blossoming smiles. Connecting smiles.
Aranmare Akita

2023-24 SEASON Team SLOGAN :
Be the wave for the team
Aranmare Yamagata

2023-24 SEASON Team SLOGAN :
Aranmare Toyama

2023-24 SEASON Team SLOGAN :
Over the top
Team Emblems
In June 2022, team emblems were created to further deepen the roots in the community and give players a unique feeling of individuality as local teams with a view to future activeness.
Incorporating the name of the locality where the team is active and its team colors, each of the emblems features the mascot character Arama, which is based on the ball used in each sport, riding the waves.
Relationships with Stakeholders
In addition to sporting activities, Aranmare teams provide a connection to municipal governments, partners, fans, and other stakeholders under the collective name Shipmates, where the supporters can participate in activities that promote regional development, women’s empowerment, and better health through sports with the aim of resolving social issues.
Operating Home Games

For the Aranmare home games held in each team’s base area, Prestige International staff play leading roles in all aspects of operation, from preparing the venue to running the game on the day.
By producing venue decorations and team merchandise, as well as operating shops and holding events between sets, the staff create spaces where local community members can share fun, joy, and excitement.
Exchange with the Next Generation

Aranmare clinic (Akita/Yamagata/Toyama)
2016‐ / FY2022: 10 events held
Aranmare team members participate in school student team training sessions and provide instruction and guidance in the sport.
Examples of other activities
- Junior club operation (Yamagata/Toyama) 2017‐
- Nutritional education activities (Yamagata)
2016‐ / FY2023.3: 5 events held etc.
Initiatives with Partners

Aranmare caravan (Akita)
2021‐ / FY2023.3: 5 events held
Aranmare team members lead exercise classes for preschool-aged children to introduce them to the enjoyment of playing sports.
Examples of other activities
- Sports classes (Yamagata) 2021‐ / FY2023.3: 4 events held
- Beach cleanup (Akita) 2021‐ / FY2023.3: 4 events held etc.
Cooperation with Municipalities

Sakata Tourism Special Ambassador (Yamagata)
In July 2022, Aranmare Yamagata was appointed the Sakata Tourism Special Ambassador, which involves disseminating information about sightseeing in Sakata City.
news release [PDF: 207KB]
Examples of other activities
CSR Activity Reports
The Group regularly publishes the PR magazine, Aranmare Magazine, providing information about the three Aranmare team activities—not just their competitive sporting activities. (Japanese only)
Vol.05 (November 20, 2022)
Back Number
Employment of Fulltime Employees
Prestige International employs Aranmare team members as fulltime employees in order to provide support for young people to continue playing sports while working as adult members of society. This initiative also includes providing livelihood support and broadening team members’ options for a second career after retiring from the sport.
Examples of Active Players’ Working Styles
- Operators
- Daycare teacher
- Administration Department (General Affairs etc.)
- Aranmare operations
Examples of Second Careers
As of June 2023, 16 former Aranmare team members are working within the Prestige International Group following their retirement from sport.
- Operators
- Aranmare operations
- Administration Department (General Affairs etc.)
- Marketing/sales
- Collaborative projects with municipalities
- Working for Group companies