Employing Diverse Human Resources

Basic Policy

The Prestige International Group carries out human resource activities in accordance with the Basic Policy for Group Human Resources shown below by endeavoring to create a work environment wherein each employee can perform their duties with enthusiasm and further their capabilities and skills.
We respect the rights of employees in accordance with the laws and customs of the relevant countries as we strive to eliminate discrimination and prejudice based on differences in position/means of recruitment, age, gender, education, birthplace, nationality, thinking/beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or presence/absence of disability.

Important Issues

Percentage of Female Employees

Women comprise approximately 70% of the workers sustaining the services provided by the Prestige International Group. In June 2018, the Group launched the Woman Excite Project to promote the active participation of women in the workplace, and the Group is endeavoring to resolve issues particular to women through the revision of our HR system and employee training methods, as well as fostering an organizational culture and creating systems that make work more rewarding for female employees.

Promoting Women’s Empowerment

Percentage of Mid-career Recruits/Foreign-national Employees

The Prestige International Group workforce comprises a high percentage of mid-career recruits. In particular, mid-career recruits employed at our overseas bases currently comprise 100% of all new recruits. Furthermore, we recruit not only Japanese nationals but persons of many nationalities, including local staff at our overseas bases. Our policy is to secure outstanding human resources, regardless of nationality or whether they are newly graduated or mid-career recruits.

Fixed-age Retirement System for Managers and Post-retirement Career-advancement Plan

The Prestige International Group has implemented a fixed-age retirement system for managers whereby managers retire from their managerial positions at the end of the fiscal year when they reach 55 years of age.
We also have a system whereby after retirement as managers, employees can choose from a variety of different career advancement options and continue to play an active role within the company.

Employee Ratios

Total number of employees
Ratio of female employees Ratio of foreign-national employees Ratio of managers
(manager level or higher)
Ratio of female managers to total managers Number of new recruits Ratio of mid-career recruits to total recruits
FY2024.3 5,776 65.3% 3.1% 12.1% 36.2% 1,188 86.4%
FY2023.3 5,519 65.3% 2.6% 9.4% 34.5% 1,211 83.2%
  • ※ Calculated based on the number of employees of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries as of March 31, 2024.
  • ※ The definition of a foreign employee refers to an employee who has a nationality other than Japanese nationality in the case of a Japanese companies, and an employee refers to an employee who has a nationality other than the country of origin in the case of an overseas companies.